Handmade Fimo Miniatur Exploding 1 Piece

Handmade Fimo Miniatur Exploding 1 Piece


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This product will be shipped by DENIZ TOY DÜNYASI. More than 5 stocks are offered to be sold at the campaign price. A product can be sold by more than one seller. The sellers of the products offered for sale by more than one seller are ranked according to the price they set for the product, the seller ratings, the delivery status, the promotions in the products, whether the shipping is free or not, and whether the products can be delivered with fast delivery, the stock and categories of the products. A maximum of 10 units of this product can be ordered. Queenmadam reserves the right to cancel orders over 10 pieces. This limit is not valid for corporate orders, and different limits can be set for corporate orders. Free returns within 15 days. Click here for more information. Handmade fimo miniatur exploding is a fun and educational toy that develops children's imagination. Ideal for children between 6 and 10 years old, it stimulates the creativity of children in this age range and improves their dexterity. Fimo miniatur adds color to explosive games and can be used in harmony with kitchen sets. Each one is unique in that it is handmade This allows children to have a different experience every time. It helps children develop their hand skills while also allowing them to explore their artistic talents.

Category: Mother & Baby & Child/ Toy/ Play Sets/
Delivery Date: 26 February

Package Includes: 1 Pack Age:6 - 10 years